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South African Biltong: A Delicious Journey Through History

South African biltong is a popular snack food that has been enjoyed for centuries. This delicious and nutritious dried meat is a staple in South African households and is enjoyed by people of all ages. But what is the history behind this tasty treat? Biltong originated in South Africa during the 1600s when Dutch settlers brought their traditional methods of drying meat with them. These settlers were looking for new ways to preserve meat in the hot and dry climate of South Africa, and biltong was born. The Dutch word "biltong" translates to "strip of buttock," which refers to the cut of meat used to make the snack.

The traditional method of making biltong involved drying meat in the sun and wind, which was a slow and labor-intensive process. In the late 1800s, however, new technology was developed that allowed the meat to be dried more quickly in a controlled environment, making biltong more widely available and popular. During the 20th century, biltong continued to grow in popularity and became a staple food for soldiers and hunters, as well as for those living in remote areas without access to refrigeration. The snack was easy to transport and had a long shelf life, making it a convenient and nutritious food for people on the go.

Today, biltong is enjoyed by people all over the world, and it has become a symbol of South African culture and heritage. It is made from a variety of meats, including beef, ostrich, and game meats, and is typically seasoned with spices like coriander, black pepper, and vinegar.

In conclusion, South African biltong has a rich and flavorful history that spans centuries. From its humble beginnings as a way to preserve meat in a hot and dry climate, to its current status as a beloved snack food enjoyed by people all over the world, biltong is a delicious and nutritious treat that has stood the test of time. Want to try some? Visit

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